Cisco VPN Client 64 bits, Windows 7, A few setup Problems & solutions

Just remembered that I had to struggle to proper setup the cisco CPN client (now 64 bits, finally!) on my Windows 7.

The errors are extremely misleading :(, after poking around msi logs, online foruns & others, here’s what solved it for me:

First error – Right on the setup startup I was getting “installation ended prematurely because of an error” . Reason for this one was that wise installer needs vbscript to cycle between setup dialogs. And although I could execute vbs scripts properly, something was wrong with the dll registration … so it failed right in the beginning.

Through the msi logs you can see a more detailed error. (Really the delay on all this is only on getting to the *real* error messages… lots of try/catch/throw “unexpexted exception” style of coding, probably good from a security perspective, but a pain to diagnose… a lot like working with sharepoint out of the box, Winking smile cof… )

To fix this I had to run both of these steps (almost sure that I needed both, just the vbscript re-registration was not enough):

(yes, you’re advised to backup the key before deleting, just in case…)

reg delete “HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8}” /f

regsvr32 c:\windows\syswow64\vbscript.dll


That fixed the first error, Right to the second one. The setup was now running but crashing when setting up network drivers&filters with another….yes… extremely useful (!)  error message that read “unable to manage networking component. Operating system corruption may be preventing installation”

That’s really (another) annoying error message…so verbose mode on msi again… check the logs and found 0x8004a029 error witch translated to something like “maximum number of network filter drivers has been reached.”

And in my case this was due mainly to lots of network filters like the ones needed by virtual pc, virtual box, wireshark & some others (I can only imagine…).

So you can uninstall some of them or increasing the limit directly in the registry (of course the limit is there so that you don’t overload the network stack…)

Something like increasing the value in :



Ok, back to the setup, all  was solved now right? ah….wrong!! Now another error pops up “”Error 27854: The Network Configuration LOck is held by another application.  Close all applications and run Setup again. …”

Ok, that one was actually my fault Smile .  At least the message made sense and lead me in the right direction, I forgot to close my network connections properties, that I had opened to try to diagnose the previous error message.

So, network properties closed, run the setup again and that’s done! Loaded my pcf files and it’s been working like a charm! Smile


Hope this helps someone.

Finally ,some additional resources that helped to this, rather surprisingly, painful troubleshooting process:

VPN Client Installation Issue

Is there a maximum number of Network Filter Drivers in Windows 7?

VPC and Windows XP Mode installation problems

How to (Successfully) Install Cisco VPN Client on Windows 7 – Brenton House

Error 2738 Could Not Access Vbscript Runtime For Custom Action – You Can Easily Fix it Now!

Error 2738. Could not access VBScript run time for custom action.

Cisco VPN client x64 for win7 – will not install

Blog or Die! » Msi Installer errors on CISCO VPN under Windows 7

Fatal Error During Installation with Windows VISTA